Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Itsy Bitsy Spider

I wrote this for a friend who had a spider infestation at her work. This is the PG version....

Sing to the itsy bitsy spider song

The Itsy Bitsy Spider
Came up the basement stair
Made itself a web
Under Lindsay's Chair

Out came it's eggs
And baby spiders hatched
And the little baby spiders
Climbed into Lindsay's lap...

Visit www.minnieonline.com for all your custom speech and poetry needs.Mention you saw us on a Poem-A-Day and get a custom 4 verse children's poem for $20

Monday, March 2, 2009

The Toddler Series X

I love this poem, and this little boy is just such a sweet little guy. His Mom is terrific too!!

Will Will?

Sweet, darling Will will be two today.
Our brave little boy is well on his way.
To see what adventures life has in store,
Beyond the safe borders of our front door.

Will Will run the trains and fix all that matters?
Will Will be a fireman and climb the tall ladders?
Will Will be a pilot and fly the blue skies?
Will Will be a baker and make blueberry pies?

Whatever Will does, Mom and Dad will be proud
We’ll say it in quiet and we’ll SHOUT IT OUT LOUD.
Will will always be cherished and always be loved.
Will was truly a gift from the Lord up above.

Visit www.minnieonline.com for all your custom speech and poetry needs. Mention you saw us on a Poem-A-Day and get a custom 4 verse children's poem for $20

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Ode To Coffee

During my writing career I have written many odes to important things in my life. Somehow I have missed coffee. The one thing no matter how rotten or good or busy or slow my life, is always there to pick me up. So.....

Ode to Coffee

I used to be tired,
Now I am wired.
From a wonderful bean
That is full of caffeine.

I just love the flavour.
It's something to savour.
I should come with a warning,
If I don't get it each morning.

A slave to my master,
To its dark shiny luster.
It's best taken black,
Without sugar and crap.

So long live the java,
Served hotter than lava.
My perfect day starter,
Making life a little less harder.

Visit www.minnieonline.com for all your custom speech and poetry needs. Mention you saw us on a Poem-A-Day and get a custom 4 verse children's poem for $20